Oral Conscious Sedation
If the thought of visiting the dentist for a procedure triggers anxiety or fear, there are effective ways to help you relax. One such option is oral conscious sedation, which is as simple as taking an aspirin. This method keeps you awake during the procedure while placing you in a deeply relaxed state. While you will remain conscious, you may find that you don’t remember parts or even all of the procedure afterward.
Oral conscious sedation is both safe and straightforward, typically costing less than other sedation methods. You’ll be able to communicate and breathe on your own throughout the treatment, making it ideal for longer or more complex procedures. This technique can help make lengthy appointments feel much shorter, allowing you to complete multiple treatments in just one visit. To ensure your comfort, a local anesthetic will also be applied to the area being treated, preventing any pain during the procedure.
If you choose oral conscious sedation, it's important to arrange for someone to drive you to and from your appointment for your safety. Don’t let nerves hold you back from getting the dental care you need. Reach out to us to learn more about oral conscious sedation and whether it’s the right choice for you.