Patient Forms and Surgical Instructions
It is important to us that our patients are informed during every step of their treatment so that they are well prepared and have the chance to ask questions. The following information is a starting point for researching your procedure and should assist in developing a list of questions to ask during your consultation.
• Informed Consent for Botuliunum Toxic Injection
Before Anesthesia
Before undergoing anesthesia, there are several important steps for patients to follow. Firstly, it’s essential to refrain from eating or drinking for at least 8 hours before your surgery and to avoid smoking for 12 hours prior. Make sure to arrange for someone to accompany you to the procedure and drive you home afterward. On the day of the surgery, please avoid wearing jewelry, contact lenses, or dentures. If you take any medications regularly, be sure to discuss them with your doctor to confirm they’re safe to continue. Other than these straightforward preparations, there’s nothing more you need to do to get ready for your surgery.
After Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom tooth removal is a surgical procedure that necessitates careful post-operative care to minimize the risk of infection and other complications. Right after the surgery, a gauze pad will be placed over the extraction site; it’s important to keep it in place for at least 45 minutes before discarding it. To protect the newly formed blood clot, avoid using straws or rinsing your mouth. It’s also advisable to limit your activities for the rest of the day, although you can return to your normal routine the following day. To manage any discomfort after the local anesthetic wears off, be sure to take the prescribed pain medication. As a precaution, avoid drinking through a straw after the surgery, as the suction can disturb the sutures.
After Dental Implant Surgery
Following dental implant surgery, it’s advisable to take it easy for 48 to 72 hours. This rest period is crucial for healing and helps minimize post-operative bleeding. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, but avoid anything too cold. Applying an ice pack to your face in 20-minute intervals during the first two days can help reduce swelling. If you had upper implants placed, refrain from blowing your nose for two weeks to avoid complications. Mild bleeding for about two days is normal, and you may feel some discomfort during this time; however, many patients find that the third day brings noticeable improvement. A slight increase in body temperature—around 1 to 2 degrees—is also typical and should not be a concern. You can eat when you’re hungry, but be careful not to chew directly on the bone graft.
After Impacted Tooth
A tooth is considered impacted when there isn’t sufficient space in the dental arch for it to grow properly. Following the surgical removal of an impacted tooth, it's normal to experience some mild discomfort and swelling. This is a typical part of the healing process and shouldn’t cause concern. Applying cold compresses can help reduce swelling. Additionally, your dentist will prescribe pain relief medication, which you should take according to their instructions. It's also recommended that patients avoid putting pressure on the extraction site and adjust their diet for a few days to support healing.
Multiple Tooth Extractions
Extracting one or two teeth is typically a straightforward procedure. However, removing several teeth often requires reshaping the jawbone to accommodate a denture. After a multiple tooth extraction, you may experience several effects. Swelling will reach its peak within two days, both inside your mouth and possibly around your eyes. Discoloration in the eye area can occur but can be eased with a warm compress. Additionally, the muscles near the extraction site might feel sore, potentially causing a sore throat. It's also normal for the corners of your mouth to become dry and cracked due to being stretched open during the procedure. Most patients will have a follow-up appointment with their dentist within 48 hours post-surgery to discuss any symptoms or concerns they may have.