Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is a procedure that enhances the jawbone to support dental implants or other restorative devices. It is a vital technique commonly utilized in various dental treatments, especially for implants and periodontal procedures.
During a bone grafting procedure, our dentist builds up the jawbone using bone tissue. This bone material is often harvested from the patient’s own body, typically from another area of the mouth during the drilling process. The fragments obtained are suctioned out and repurposed for the graft, ensuring that the body is using its natural tissue for healing.
In cases where the patient’s own bone is insufficient, cadaver bone fragments from reputable bone banks can be used. These donations are carefully screened and treated, making them a safe and effective option for bone grafting. Using donor bone can significantly enhance the success of the dental implant by providing a sturdy foundation for it to integrate with the jaw.
Bone grafting not only facilitates the placement of implants but also plays a crucial role in restoring function and aesthetics to the smile. If you have questions about bone grafting and how it can benefit your dental health, feel free to reach out to our office for more information.